Where do you insert a code snippet/hook to run after form submission?

By: Justin Reed | Asked: 05/08/2023
ForumsCategory: Code SnippetsWhere do you insert a code snippet/hook to run after form submission?
Justin Reed asked 2 years ago

I'm new to hooks and using code snippets.
I'm trying to initiate a code snippet that will run on data in a form using the frm_pre_create_entry hook after it is submitted.
I'm following this documentation that states to use the WP Code to insert the snippet.
Do I insert that snippet on the page that the form is on?
Is there any other documentation that would show some examples on how this works or that would help me understand hooks better?

1 Answers
Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff answered 2 years ago

The first section of that page tells you where to put the code (personally I prefer Code Snippets to WP Code). The code as an object isn't associated with the form. It becomes associated with the form programmatically, based on what code you put in the snippet.

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