able to send email a unique url link where the form input contents can be edited without logged user? after completing the input of the form? - After completing the form contents without logging

By: seonho k | Asked: 03/14/2023
ForumsCategory: General questionsable to send email a unique url link where the form input contents can be edited without logged user? after completing the input of the form? - After completing the form contents without logging
seonho k asked 2 years ago
After confirming this function, ask questions for accurate understanding
I would like a page where demo create-test is possible
I am trying to implement a parental consent function for users under the age of 14.
After completing the form contents without logging in
Based on the condition, I would like to ask about related features.
-- Is there a function to send a unique url link that can be edited by email after entering-submit the contents including email in the form?
You must be able to edit form input details without logging in.
-- After completing the form contents input without logging in,
Is there a function that allows Save and Resume?
-- Can I save the value entered in the form to the database after completing the form content input without logging in? Are they saved?

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1 Answers
Bobby Clapp Staff answered 2 years ago

A form can't be saved that way because it requires it to be linked to a user. You can use to allow a form to be edited without being logged in. Then you might use a version of [formidable id=x fields="10,11,12"] on a few different pages and then link them as appropriate (maybe separate email actions). You might use this for creating a reusable, but unique link -> It's not going to be super straightforward. It will require some light coding and thought to determine the appropriate workflow.

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