Adding Luhn Algorithm to Numbers Field.

By: Blaze P | Asked: 08/08/2022
ForumsCategory: General questionsAdding Luhn Algorithm to Numbers Field.
Blaze P asked 3 years ago

Hi all!
I recently started using Formidable forms, I am creating a website for a financial company specializing in consumer loans.
I am in the process of creating an application form. One of the requirements is for the applicant to enter his/her SIN (Social Insurance Number.) All SIN's use the Luhn Algorith in order to validate the authenticity of the number.
I would like to add custom JS in order to ensure that each each SIN will be legit, I found a sample code online but I am unsure how I could get a version of it to be compatible with Formidable.
    // Javascript program to implement Luhn algorithm
    // Returns true if given
    // card number is valid
    function checkLuhn(cardNo)
        let nDigits = cardNo.length;
        let nSum = 0;
        let isSecond = false;
        for (let i = nDigits - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            let d = cardNo[i].charCodeAt() - '0'.charCodeAt();
            if (isSecond == true)
                d = d * 2;
            // We add two digits to handle
            // cases that make two digits
            // after doubling
            nSum += parseInt(d / 10, 10);
            nSum += d % 10;
            isSecond = !isSecond;
        return (nSum % 10 == 0);
    let cardNo = "79927398713";
    if (checkLuhn(cardNo))
      document.write("This is a valid card");
      document.write("This is not a valid card");
Hoping someone could assist me with this! I spoke to support and they recommended I make a post here.

1 Answers
Bobby Clapp Staff answered 3 years ago

This should be as simple as replacing:

let cardNo = "79927398713";

With something like:

let cardNo = $("#field_FIELDKEYHERE").val();


Victor Font Staff replied 3 years ago

Before you use the $() notation, you have to convert this script to jQuery otherwise the $ will give you an error. The JavaScript equivalent to the $() is get_element_by_id()

Blaze P replied 3 years ago

Hi Bobby, Thank you for your reply.

I followed your directions but it does not seem to be working and I can feel I am missing something here. This is the code I am using in the Customize HTML form settings.

// Javascript program to implement Luhn algorithm

// Returns true if given
// card number is valid
function checkLuhn(cardNo)
let nDigits = cardNo.length;

let nSum = 0;
let isSecond = false;
for (let i = nDigits - 1; i >= 0; i--)

let d = cardNo[i].charCodeAt() - '0'.charCodeAt();

if (isSecond == true)
d = d * 2;

// We add two digits to handle
// cases that make two digits
// after doubling
nSum += parseInt(d / 10, 10);
nSum += d % 10;

isSecond = !isSecond;
return (nSum % 10 == 0);

let cardNo = "get_element_by_id("#field_[81]").val();";
if (checkLuhn(cardNo))
document.write("This is a valid card");
document.write("This is not a valid card");

This code is under the HTML code for the field.

Bobby Clapp Staff replied 3 years ago

Could be a few things. First off though, you've listed a field ID in brackets. You need to get the field key and then no brackets would surround that value.

Something like:

let cardNo = "get_element_by_id("#field_js2dlv").val();

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