We have designed a custom view PDF to send to both admin and applicant on submission of form and are having a significant issue:
The PDF that is sending is including ALL details of anyone who has filled out the form not just the details of the current applicant. Everytime a new form gets filled out the PDF grows. Each form pdf should be 9 pages and it's currenlty 89 pages. We can't have clients information being sent to other clients. This is the shortcode we are using:
[frm-pdf view=574 view=10 public=1].
I've also tried [frm-pdf view=554 entry="[id]" public=1] which I got from a video in the knowledge base but that's not working either.
We only want the client to receive the details in their own form. I've tried to work out what to change but changing anything just breaks it completely and I get "You do not have permission to view this page" when clicking the Download PDF button.
I'm just looking for a shortcode that will send the Custom View PDF with only the applicants entry to the applicant/admin - does anyone know if that is possible?
For some reason, my answer is not displaying. What are you using as the view's filter?
Hi Victor, sorry I don't know what you mean.The views have been created for each form.
When you create a view, you have to set the view's filter. You are passing entry="[id]" as a parameter. The view needs to receive the parameter in the view filter. See this: https://formidableforms.com/knowledgebase/filtering-entries/
Okay, I changed the filter to User ID Equals Current User and now the pdf has no information on it at all 🙁
You're passing an entry id not the user id.
This is another language that I do not know how to speak. What should the entry ID equal? I tired current_entry because that seemed logical but that didn't work - still a blank form. So I currently have the filter as:
Entry ID equals current_entry which is obviously not correct. Is there a list somewhere of all the options?
When using this: [frm-pdf view=554 entry="[id]" public=1]
The filter is:
Entry ID = [get param=entry]
Thank you! I never would have guessed that 🙂
It has worked for the download PDF link so now I just have to wait for the emails to come through and I'll double check those. That's another issue I'm having - big lag on emails intermittently but that's a tomorrow problem.
Thanks for your help so far. Fingers crossed I can check this problem off the list.