API Data Send

By: Asheley Bailey | Asked: 01/06/2023
ForumsCategory: General questionsAPI Data Send
Asheley Bailey asked 2 years ago
I'm trying to send entries from one wordpress site to another. Do I need 2 different Formidable Form accounts?
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1 Answers
Best Answer
Victor Font answered 2 years ago
You don't need two accounts, but you do have to make sure both sites are using Formidable with the API add-on.
Asheley Bailey replied 2 years ago

Thanks for getting back to me Victor. They both are running the API add on but every time I turn on the API Data Send Action the form causes a wordpress critical error on my website holding the form when submitted. Even though it creates an error it still creates an entry on the website holding the form but nothing is sent to the second website. The form submits fine without an error when i don't have the API Data Send Action turned on.

Asheley Bailey replied 2 years ago

<p>So I've solved the error. I stupidly had the wrong method. But it's still not creating an entry on the second website. I'm receiving a 409 conflict status</p>

Asheley Bailey replied 2 years ago

Solved. It was the date format missing in the shortcode!

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