Attempting to try and break long results where a cell could easily be word wrapped. Standard CSS \"styles\" are not working such as: word-break:break-all; or word-break:break-word; the results don\'t change
A cell result could have 4 words with spaces and could easily be \"wrapped\" to reduce width. Is there another way to achieve this? All other CSS styling works find, just not word wrapping.
Provide a link to the page you're having the issue with and identify the cell(s). This is a great example that isnt' login protected. Pick a state, Colorado and a county Boulder County. You'll be delivered a result that shows you a "hub" name that could easily word wrap.
Use "word-break:normal" instead.
<td style="font-size:12px; text-align: center; word-break:normal">[srvtl]</td> This did not break the form results being displayed in the view.
I used the debugger tools (F12 in the browser) and set the following and it worked as expected
High Plains should break into 2 lines so the table shrinks it's width....
I do not know how to accomplish that goal without hard coding the widths of the columns.
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