Anyone using Astra or Astra Pro as their them with Formidable Forms. I tried it and have a mixed option. I would like a theme to use but not sure which to pick. Looking for recommendations of a theme that works very well with Formidable
I'm sure this can turn into a battle of opinions :). I use OxygenBuilder. It's incredibly flexible and themeless, so you have no compatibility issues to worry about, nor do you have to care if your theme will be de-supported someday.
You didn't state what the issues are that you're having with Astra (I've worked on sites that used Astra and didn't see any issues.
Thank you I appreciate your information
Thank you I appreciate your information
Formidable is theme neutral. The most common problem I've seen with theme compatibility is CSS conflicts where the theme's CSS overwrites Formidable's. Plugins sometimes cause a conflict, but for other reasons. If you're having trouble running Formidable with Astra, I suggest you open a ticket with Strategy 11 support and let someone take a look at your environment.
Thank you, I didn't realize that Strategy 11 is by the same folks that developed Formidable.
Strategy 11 are the people that created Formidable.
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