Hi all, really liking the extension and the community here, I’m a little stuck now though 😬
I’m trying to create an audit form that can be completed during an audit. First steps would be to add name of building and areas that will be audited this determines the questions that will be asked, I have conditionally added ‘show’ that only shows the required fields on the next section.
the issue I am having is I’d like to show a message if all questions are marked as PASS but as there are hidden fields that effectively are not applicable I can’t get this to work as those fields effectively don’t get completed. If I mark FAIL on any tasks I’d like a message with guidance and advice. Im trying to avoid somebody having to answer unnecessary questions that are not applicable but give them a pass on what they do audit as live feedback.
I wondered if this was a limitation or if I’m just setting things up correctly.
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