add-on trial and AIM?

By: Wayne Glassbrook | Asked: 02/15/2024
ForumsCategory: General add-on trial and AIM?
Wayne Glassbrook asked 1 year ago

We are working with a client who is interested in receiving payments through their site via and we have two questions...


1. We see that the add-on requires an Elite plan. Is there a trial period for testing out the add-on prior to having our client spend $299 a year?


2. We are seeing references to the add-on as " AIM" in the Formidable plugin dashboard and " Add-On" through the Formidable website. The reason for my concern here is that AIM is being deprecated and I do not want commit my client to anything that could stop working soon. What is the actual status of the add-on? Do we have any cause for concern should we pull the trigger?

Victor Font Staff replied 1 year ago

You should open a ticket with Strategy 11. This is community volunteer forum, not an official Formidable support site.

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