Could someone please help with some beginner questions
Thanks very much for any tips
Because of the way this answer box messes up HTML, I'll answer questions in the subsequent comments so they remain more readable:
1. Yes, you are correct. The shortcode is only used for publishing forms. See this:
2. This explains how to publish a chart. Likert fields arre radio button fields in disguise.
3. Views are used to display form entry data. Pages are standard WordPress pages or CPTs.
4. I have no idea what you are asking by saying "In some view application we don't want to have a list of values so we don't really want a list page - just the details. How best to manage this"
A form entry values are the details you display to users. You need to explain what you man by "no values, just details", especially since they mean the same thing.
5. You'll never have a "need" to access the database to clear data. All data can be deleted from the Formidable menu in the WordPress admin area. If you must use your database access, this is the Formidable database schema:
Thanks for all that Victor
Point 4 When I go to views - simply clicking on the link at the top of the page and create a new view it I see a view that seems to be made up of a list of segments. There is another labelled detail. The format I am wanting in this application is just a simple view, blank page for me to build as required. The detail page seems to provide this.
Can I use the detail page without the list page in this case
Thanks very much
Since the Visual Views add-on was released, I've never had a reason to use a detail page, so I can't advise one way or the other. I just don't use them with my designs because I feel they're redundant. Grid views are highly flexible and you can create any kind of display you want if you understand CSS Grid and Flex. Maybe someone else can chime in about the detail view and how they use use it. Anyone?
Hi Victor! Interesting - we'll try that way - thanks again
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