Calculate the time difference in minutes

By: Luis Gerardo Macareno Balderas | Asked: 10/17/2023
ForumsCategory: General questionsCalculate the time difference in minutes

Hi guys
Iam using one of the hook code to calculate the difference in minutes, but the results is always on blank:
Also i did with Javascript and is the same (blank field).
In both cases there is just 3 fields involved, initial, end and result.
Some has been in the same issue
Best regards

Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff replied 1 year ago

<p>I think both of these cases call for some simple debugging and you'll likely find it's a typo or something similar. Here's a tutorial on debugging Formidable hooks - <a href=""></a&gt; For debugging the javascript, you can use the browser debugger tools (F12) and trace through the source code. If you post a link to your page representing your javascript attempt I can take a few minutes and point out what you can look at.</p>

Adam Fominaya replied 1 year ago

Agreed. I think we probably need to see the page or javascript (preferably both).

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