I am using the following shortcode. [frm-entry-update-field id=[id] field_id=57 value=created label=create?] I like that it refreshes with AJAX, but I'd like to apply the filters for the view afterwards. Is there a way to add that into the shortcode? Maybe something like: [frm-entry-update-field id=[id] field_id=57 value=created label=create? filter=yes]
Or something less stupid that actually works... Thank you!
Front end editing uses a different execution path than form submissions. The shortcode does not refresh anything with AJAX. It creates a link so you can edit the field on the front end. The AJAX that updates the field does a direct write to the database. I don't know what you mean when you say, "apply the filters for the view afterwards", but regardless of your intent, firing hooks after a front end edit requires custom code written by a developer.
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