Checking the value of field

By: Robert Cabiya-an | Asked: 08/05/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsChecking the value of field
Robert Cabiya-an asked 7 months ago

I have a snippet that will make a field read only base on the value of another field on the same form
add_filter(\'frm_setup_new_fields_vars\', \'frm_set_read_only_on_create\', 9, 2);
add_filter(\'frm_setup_edit_fields_vars\', \'frm_set_read_only_on_create\', 9, 2);
function frm_set_read_only_on_create( $values, $field ){
 $entry_id = FrmAppHelper::get_param(\'id\', 0, \'get\'); // Get the entry ID from the URL
    $text_field_id = 805; // ID of the text field to check
    $text_field_value = FrmEntryMeta::get_entry_meta_by_field($entry_id, $text_field_id, true);
  if ($text_field_value == 5) { 
        $readonly_fields = array(409); // IDs of the text fields to make read-only
        if (in_array($field->id, $readonly_fields)) {
            $values[\'read_only\'] = true;
return $values;
The code is working fine during the edit mode and after submitting the form the code works fine.
The problem is when i open the form using the editlink shortchode, the code is not applying the read only even the value of the field is equal to 5. 
Can you help what am i missing.

1 Answers
Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff answered 7 months ago

I suggest putting debug code into the function (or using the Kint debugger) to see what the values are in the function. My guess is that FrmAppHelper::get_param('id', 0, 'get') is not returning the value you think it is.

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