Hi -
I have a code snippet that uses the hook frm_validate_field_entry which the documentation states runs after each time the submit button is clicked. I have a two page form, the first page has a CONTINUE button does that count as a submit?
My code checks the form_id (deriving it from the form_key) to ensure it only executes on one form and it checks the field_id (deriving it from the field_key) so it only executes for that one field.
The snippet then creates a AWS S3 bucket name and then runs a PHP curl to create the bucket. The problem is the debug log shows bucket names that don't align with buckets that are created and it creates 2 buckets instead of one.
The only thing I can think of is that it is somehow executing the code more than one because of that continue button.
Any insights or thoughts?
Can you upload your code to something like https://paste2.org/ and paste the link here?
see answer=comment below