Combine multiple forms

By: Matthew Murray | Asked: 04/04/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsCombine multiple forms
Matthew Murray asked 11 months ago

How can I make it so 3 (or more) forms have the name and email fields all end up on the same CSV export?
In this case, both FormA and FormB and FormC have only 2 fields (which are the same). Rather than exporting a CSV 3 times, how can I make it so I only need to export once?

1 Answers
Victor Font Staff answered 11 months ago

You'll need to write your own code and either export directly from PHPMyAdmin with SQL or create a custom function and a way to trigger it from the front end.

Matthew Murray replied 10 months ago

Hi Victor,

Thanks for the reply!

I found it was easier to just export to XLS. I was trying to export multiple forms in CSV, which can't be done. But we can export multiple forms in XLS. It's not ideal, but it beats the other options!


Joe Semones replied 10 months ago

Hi Victor,
It seems like each form lives in its own world, and every time I need to create a new form I'm asking the user for the same information again and again. I know I can fetch information from user_meta, but it would be nice to just get one value on the second form and auto populate the other fields by fetching from the user table.

Is there a feature that's lurking (not too far) beneath the surface that would enable forms to be relational so that the information from one table, say users, could be linked to another, e.g. an event and matches on something unique like a mobile number?

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