Hi all does the formidable form is capable to do like this: ID34 is a radio, and ID70 is also a radio. if ID34 is equal "yes" then ID70 is equal "eat" and if "no" then ID70 is equal "hungry" how and where to put the condition. best regards
Do this in jQuery.
can i use this
jQuery( document ).ready( function ( $ ) {
$( document ).on( 'change', 'input[name="item_meta[5133]"]', function () {
var val1 = $( "input[name='item_meta[5133]']" ).filter( ":checked" ).closest( 'label' ).text().trim();
$( "#field_1hfd3" ).val( val1 );
$( "#field_1hfd3" ).change();
} );
} );
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