Conditional Logic for Dynamic Fields behaving rather badly...

By: George Plumley | Asked: 11/08/2022
ForumsCategory: General questionsConditional Logic for Dynamic Fields behaving rather badly...
George Plumley asked 2 years ago

I don't know if this behaviour for Conditional Logic involving Dynamic Fields has changed recently, but there's no Blank option in the drop down, for which I could then choose "not equals", so that the new field would appear as long as someone had chosen something in the Dynamic Field drop down.

Instead of a Blank, it says "Anything", so I used "equals" to achieve that same effect - no matter what they select, my new field should show. However, not only is my new field not showing - I get a copy of the current page showing up where the new field should be!  (in the screenshot, where it says "Big Move" there should be a drop down, but instead, you're seeing the start of a copy of the current page).

I don't know if it's relevant, but the new field that's supposed to appear when the Conditional Logic is fulfilled, is itself a Dynamic Field - and when the new field first appears, I can see the animated icon running, as it looks for the options to fill the field, and then a couple of seconds later, the copy of the page appears in place of the field!

I haven't tried disabling any plugins yet, to see if there's a conflict - wanted to check first and see if anyone else has experienced this or knows what I might be doing wrong???

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Formidable Forms Version 5.5.2 by Strategy11

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Formidable Forms Pro Version 5.5.2 by Strategy11

Formidable Surveys Version 1.0.06 by Strategy11

Formidable Visual Views Version 5.3.3 by Strategy11


1 Answers
Tommy Tutone answered 2 years ago

I'm having the same issue. Went to update an existing form and, after saving my changes, my "IF [DYNAMIC FIELD] NOT EQUALS [BLANK]" logic was changed to ANYTHING. Before saving the changes to the form, it worked. After saving, it no longer worked the way it did and I cannot find any conditional logic that will make the form function as it did before saving.

Tommy Tutone replied 2 years ago

I recreated this problem on a test site that uses only Formidable plugins and the latest everything. I believe this is a bug and submitted a support ticket.

Tommy Tutone replied 2 years ago

Formidable confirmed that this is a bug but they don't have an estimate on when a fix will be made available.

George Plumley replied 2 years ago

Thanks for pursuing this with them.

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