Conditional logic on entry id

By: Manuel Diwosch | Asked: 01/13/2023
ForumsCategory: General questionsConditional logic on entry id
Manuel Diwosch asked 2 years ago

Hi, I want to link from one detail page to the next detail page. But I want to do it in a conditional logic: For example: In detail view of entry 66, i want to ad a link like this: [if entry_id equals="x"]LINK[/if]. But I can't get the current entry ID. I tried: [if entry=current equals="X"]LINK[/if] [if entry="X"]LINK[/if]   Does anone has a solution for me? Thanks for help.   Best regards, Manuel

4 Answers
Best Answer
Manuel Diwosch answered 2 years ago
Hi Bobby, thanks for your cooperation. I solved it another way: I exported added a field after survey was finished, exported all data, added value into the right fields and imported new data again. At last entry I imported a higher number. Then I made a conditional logic with if entry number is smaller than X -> then show Link .../[Shortcode-of-field-for X]/... and at the last one if entry number equals why -> then hardcoded Link to overview.
Bobby Clapp answered 2 years ago

Try this:
[frm-set-get detail_entry_id="[id]"]

Then this:
[if get param="detail_entry_id" equals="66"]LINK[/if]

Manuel Diwosch replied 2 years ago

Hi Bobby, thanks for help. But it doesn't do anything. Do you have another idea?

Manuel Diwosch answered 2 years ago
Hi Bobby, thanks for help. But it doesn't do anything. Do you have another idea?
Bobby Clapp replied 2 years ago

Let's break it down. If you add [id] to the view, does it do anything?

Manuel Diwosch replied 2 years ago

Yes, it does. It writes the ID of the entry into the view.

Manuel Diwosch replied 2 years ago

By the way: Thanks for not giving up on me.

Bobby Clapp replied 2 years ago

Ok. Then if we write in [frm-set-get detail_entry_id="[id]"], and then add [get param="detail_entry_id"], is the ID displayed?

Manuel Diwosch answered 2 years ago
No, it is not displayed. I guess it takes no [] inside of other [].. Is this possible?  
Bobby Clapp replied 2 years ago

It should work. How about this one: [frm-set-get detail_entry_id=[id]

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