Connect User Registration with FF Data?

By: Stewart Todd | Asked: 09/04/2022
ForumsCategory: General questionsConnect User Registration with FF Data?
Stewart Todd asked 3 years ago

My organization has an Excel membership database with a lot of data in it (name, company, induction date, rank, etc.). A lot of the data (including the email address) may be old and out of date.
I plan to import that data into FF ("Master Database") on our new Wordpress website. Since it is new, obviously none of those Excel members I import into FF Master Database will be registered Wordpress members on the site yet. In fact a lot of the members in the FF Master Database may choose to never register on the site.
I would like to set up a workflow where:

  1. One of our members registers on our WP site with a simple email, first name, last name, password.
  2. An admin reviews the registration to make they are actually a member (i.e. they are in the Master Database.)
  3. The admin approves the registration when they confirm that the person is a member.
  4. The admin connects the WP user registration (email, firstname, last name, password) with the FF Master Database record (company, rank, etc.) for that individual.
  5. The user on first login is presented with their record from the FF Master Database and asked to update any incorrect or missing info.

Any suggestions on if this is possible and how best to implement this?

2 Answers
Chris AdamsChris Adams Staff answered 3 years ago

Hi Stuart,    This is certainly do-able with FF.   I would probably build a User Registration form with fields that match your master database form and then use cascading lookup fields to pull in the information based on the email address they used to register with. You can set-up the user registration form to create user accounts on behalf of another user and also set it to update your master database form should the user update their information at any point so everything stays in sync.   Here's a link to help get started:   Chris

Bobby Clapp Staff answered 3 years ago

Depends on how you are pulling the data in. If you are doing it through SQL then you will be able to define the owner of the entry however you wish. I believe if you are trying to import through Formidable it will need a user to assign the entry to. You can manually change this after some point, but that could get complicated depending on your knowledge of databases.

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