Count entries with dynamic values of the form

By: Pablo Gutierrez | Asked: 01/18/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsCount entries with dynamic values of the form
Pablo Gutierrez asked 1 year ago

Hi!  I have 2 forms:

  • Form A: Student recommendations.
  • Form B: Student profile.

Inside Form B (Student profile) I'm using the following shortcode inside a field to count the amount of entries in Form A: [frm-stats id=x type=count]

It works well.

However, I need to only count entries that contain a value from Form B inside Form A. Example: Only if field "Student ID" in Form A contains the same "Student ID" in Form B.

I see there are dynamic filters to do this using URL parameters. However, for a technical reason, this is not a viable solution.

Is there any other way to use dynamic values from Form B for this filter?

Thanks for your help and time!

3 Answers
Victor Font answered 1 year ago
I'm not sure I follow your question. Your design seems backwards to me the way you've explained it. Normally, when you have related forms, there is a "1-to-many" relationship where one form serves as a header record and the other form has the child records. In your case, I presume the "1" in the "1-to-many" is the student profile. Are the student profiles unique? They should be! How are you identifying a student's identity? WordPress user id, Formidable entry id, or something you invented to fit the purpose?
Victor Font replied 1 year ago

What I am missing is why are you counting the recommendations first instead of loading the student ID and working in the other direction which is much easier?

Why do you think dynamic fields could help solve the problem? Dynamic fields are highly flexible look ups where their flexibility shines when displaying data in a view. Dynamic fields store the entry id of the lookup record in the form's data where the field is used.

I guess I'm just not understanding your business process.

Victor Font replied 1 year ago

Based on what I understand now, I think you may have to re-engineer your design or have someone take an eyes-on look to help structure the data flow more efficiently.

Pablo Gutierrez answered 1 year ago

Hi @Victor Font ,Thanks for your help and sorry for not being clear. Let me give you details about my case:* Form A: Here we receive the recommendations of the students being submitted by teachers and parents. This is the "child" form as you say. In this form there is a "Student ID" field that indicates the student that is being recommended. There could be many recommendations for the same student (many to 1).* Form B: Students can login into their WordPress account and look at this form. This is the "parent" form. Inside this form there is a field called "Amount of recommendations" that has the shortcode [frm-stats id=x type=count] as the default value. However, this shortcode is counting the recommendations of ALL the students in Form A and not the recommendations of ONLY the current student.Our idea is to only count the amount of recommendations where the "Student ID" field in Form A is equal to the "Student ID" field in Form B.We need to show this result in a field in Form B.Any ideas? Please let me know if it's clear enough. I really appreciate your help and time.

Pablo Gutierrez replied 1 year ago

Sorry for the BLOCK of text. I don't know why my answer is not being organized by parragraphs in the forum.

Victor Font replied 1 year ago

Don't worry about the block of text. The HTML works better in replies to answer rather than in the answer box itself.

Form A is submitted by teachers and parents.

How are you populating the student id? Dropdown, text field, or something else?

Do the teachers and parents have WordPress user ids? Do they have to log in to submit the form?

Pablo Gutierrez answered 1 year ago

Thanks @Victor Font . My replies to each question: Form A is submitted by teachers and parents. How are you populating the student id? Dropdown, text field, or something else? In Form A, the "Student ID" is a hidden field that auto-populates with a URL parameter. Example: If the Student ID is 123, the parameter is taken from the URL Do the teachers and parents have WordPress user ids? Do they have to log in to submit the form? No, they don't have or need a WordPress account. Each student knows the link they need to share with their teachers and parents (example: to gather their recommendations. Please let me know any other doubts. Thanks again.

Pablo Gutierrez replied 1 year ago

Hi @Victor Font , just wanted to make sure you received my answers to your questions. Thanks for your support.

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