Create PayPal payment entry hook

By: Merlin Rose | Asked: 03/08/2023
ForumsCategory: General questionsCreate PayPal payment entry hook
Merlin Rose asked 2 years ago

is there a hook for creating an entry in the formidable-payments? 
My problem is, that i have a registration form with Paypal payments and after the entry is created and the user has paid, the entry in the payment list is "completed". All fine until i have to modify the registration and for example change the price to something higher. After that i've tried to recharge the difference (saved in a field) with the pay_again function. But this only works when there is an open entry in the payment form (/wp-admin/admin.php?page=formidable-payments).
Is there a way to create this entries?
Thanks for any help,

1 Answers
Merlin Rose answered 2 years ago

Maybe the magic will happen with FrmPayment from here

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