Creating or using an Invoice Plugin

By: Kevin Wood | Asked: 01/15/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsCreating or using an Invoice Plugin
Kevin Wood asked 1 year ago


I would like to be able to create an invoice from form and views entered by the front end user. I am looking at possible building a template through the view to PDF option within the plugin, but I wondered if anyone on here has had any experience in using a different invoice plugin that would work alongside the Formidable Form plugin, please?

1 Answers
Walter JonesWalter Jones answered 1 year ago

There are numerous invoice plugins out there. 

However it can also be done in FF.  I would try FF 

Kevin Wood replied 1 year ago

Thank you for your response.

Would you mind giving me some examples of how best to do this in FF please?

Victor Font Staff replied 1 year ago


When you say, "how best to do this", the word "best" is highly subjective. The best way to do anything is to understand your goals first.

How do you plan on delivering the invoice? Do you want to display it on the front end and offer the user a button that prints it as a PDF or do you want to generate a PDF file and send it as email attachment?

You have to know where you're going before anyone can tell you the best way to get there. What's the business process?

Kevin Wood replied 1 year ago


Yes, that makes sense. And sorry if I wasn't that clear.

My goal would be:

To display it on the front end for the user to have a button to select it as a PDF to either print or email. Email would be the most used option. The invoice would populate with the data entered against the row selected.

I would like to give it some extra functionality, where the user can edit the invoice, but mainly they can populate the prices, before generating the PDF.

Hope that makes more sense?

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