I'm importing some data into a FF form. Among the data is a field for categories. Some of these category names contain commas. I can see in my CSV file that in cases where there's a comma in the name, the spreadsheet program has properly enclosed the data with " marks. When the FF import process takes place, however, FF splits up the category name at the point where the comma occurs.
Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
I never upload CSV content without field delimiters. Your CSV is inconsistent. You have some fields wrapped in quotes and others without. Try wrapping all fields in quotes and use "," as the delimiter like in this example: "field1","field2a,field2b","field3".
Thanks for that, Victor. When I look at the Exports generated by FF, I see that they use the delimiter "," so it's my spreadsheet program (Numbers for Mac) which is not maintaining that structure and is exporting with just a , delimiter. I'm not seeing any option for choosing my delimiter, so will look into using another program.
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