Disable FF styles + progress animation.

By: Robert Taylor | Asked: 08/03/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsDisable FF styles + progress animation.
Robert Taylor asked 7 months ago

We are disabling Formidable styling and completely customizing the form styles and that works quite well for us.  Formidable allows for an amazing amount of customization.  The only issue is that disabling FF styles disables the progress animation when submitting a form or clicking on the prev / next buttons.

Naturally, support says that they don't support custom code and I have not been able to find any documentation on form progress animation mechanisms in FF.

Does anyone know if any sample code exists that can be used when FF themes are disabled + custom css is used? 

1 Answers
Victor Font Staff answered 7 months ago

Use your browser's inspection tool to find the CSS or jQuery that is driving the progress animation and transfer it to the form itself or your custom CSS.

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