How do I get a view to only display the most recent entry as, in my form, they change? The only thing I'm finding online says "If you have a Single Entry View and select Entry creation date – Descending, then only the most recent entry will be displayed", but the ID changes with each entry, so not quite sure how that works. Advice plz? Thx!
Trying setting the "Limit" to 1 (in the Advanced Settings) and then set "Sort entries" to Descending by Entry Creation Date.
Thanks! There's a way to set a FIELD limit? If so, I'm not finding it in "Advanced" in the Field Options tab. I'm sure I'm missing it, but if you wouldn't mind - where exactly is the limit option? (When I set my FORM limit to 1 it takes my form away after I give 1 response.) Thank you again!
It's not a field limit, it's the view limit. In the view's Advanced Settings, there's a limit field that you can set to 1.
Awesome! There is a filter in the dropdown that shows "unique (get new entries)" that does exactly that! Woohoo!
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