distance calculating values

By: ismael khoshnaw | Asked: 09/03/2023
ForumsCategory: General questionsdistance calculating values
ismael khoshnaw asked 2 years ago

hi all,
i am using Geocoder to calculate the distance between 2 addresses, I need to use the Geocoder result data (Distance Value: 48.6) as Total price, How can i do that? please
here is the result I get with Geocoder:


  1. Place Name : N/A
  2. Street Number: 31
  3. Street Name: Ammunitiehaven
  4. Street: 31 Ammunitiehaven
  5. Street Bw: Ammunitiehaven 31
  6. Subpremise : N/A
  7. Premise : N/A
  8. Neighborhood : N/A
  9. City: Den Haag
  10. County: Den Haag
  11. Region Code: ZH
  12. Region Name: Zuid-Holland
  13. Postcode: 2511 XH
  14. Country Code: NL
  15. Country Name: Netherlands
  16. Address: Ammunitiehaven 31, 2511 XH Den Haag, Netherlands
  17. Formatted Address: Ammunitiehaven 31, 2511 XH Den Haag, Netherlands
  18. Latitude: 52.07642468210811
  19. Longitude: 4.318794717474379
  20. Distance Text: 48.6 km
  21. Distance Value: 48.6
  22. Duration Text: 37 mins
  23. Duration Value: 2214
  24. Distance destination: Geocoder ID 18

Thanks in advance

Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff replied 2 years ago

I don't understand your question. You mention distance and then you mention price. Do you need the code to calculate the different between to locations?

1 Answers
Victor Font Staff answered 2 years ago

Formidable has the Geolocation add-on, but from your question, it sounds like you opted to use the Geocoder directly from the Google Maps API. Is that correct? The data is probably being returned as a JSON object that you need to parse to extract the individual data point. Since this is not a Formidable specific question, I suggest you reach out to talk to a developer: https://formidable-masterminds.com/developers-directory/

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