Does anyone know how to create a date 90 days in the future from current date?

By: Yasmin Shaheen-Zaffar | Asked: 10/23/2022
ForumsCategory: General questionsDoes anyone know how to create a date 90 days in the future from current date?
Yasmin Shaheen-Zaffar asked 2 years ago

I wonder if anyone can help please I want to create a date 90 days in advance 
they pick the date so when i add this [x offset="+90 days"] i get message 
There is an error in the calculation in the field with key 
[1234 offset="+90 days"]
Unexpected identifier offset 
Does anyone have any idea what i could be doing wrong on a relatively simple task  :-s :-s :-s 
Thank you in advance! 

Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff replied 2 years ago

What is the exact value you're typing in and where are you putting it?

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