I have a simple test scenario containing first name and last name. I have created:
I followed the help document to do it and all is working except... if no values are entered in either field, the dataView shows all rows. I only want it to return results if a user has entered something in either of the fields. If they are both blank, it shouldn't return anything.
I was looking at the [if][/if] options, but they are causing more issues as I am not seeing how to combine them to show that nothing should be appended if both fields are empty. There would also need to be additional logic to tell the line whether there should be a ? or a & or nothing
15/[if 16]fname=[16 sanitize_url=1][/if 16] [if 15]&lname=[15 sanitize_url=1][/if 15]&show_view=yes
Does anyone have recommendations?