Don't populate initial view?

By: Bill Unger | Asked: 04/29/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsDon't populate initial view?
Bill Unger asked 10 months ago

Is there a way to have a View form not populate any data when it is initially opened?
I would like the View to only populate with the results of a search form.

2 Answers
Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff answered 10 months ago

If you have the page setup like the Formidable search form page describes, your view will have no matching rows because none of the filters match the criteria.

Bill Unger answered 10 months ago

Just figured that part out - I didn't actually read the entire article. I am stuck on how to not display results if no criteria is entered.  Following the same help doc, I should use the [if] options, but that breaks the needed show_view option to hide results at the beginning. Ideally, I would have the "show_view" bit also surrounds by an IF, but only it would need to be some sort of check to see if there are values for either 16 or 15/[if 16]fname=[16 sanitize_url=1][/if 16] [if 15]&lname=[15 sanitize_url=1][/if 15]&show_view=yes

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