Duplicate Turnstile on Forms

By: Trace Richardson | Asked: 07/31/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsDuplicate Turnstile on Forms
Trace Richardson asked 2 months ago
Attempting to migrate to turnstile, but all forms have duplicate turnstiles. I can reproduce this on other sites on the server. Anyone have similar issues / fixes? Thanks!
2 Answers
Victor Font answered 2 months ago
This same question has been asked 2 or 3 times over the past week. I suggest you open a support ticket with Strategy 11.
Trace Richardson replied 1 month ago

Victor, are you an employee of Formidable or a volunteer?

Victor Font replied 1 month ago

All of us that answer questions regularly are community volunteers. I've been helping developers in these forums for over 12-years. I own the Formidable Masterminds Facebook Group and https://formidable-masterminds.com/. It's rare to have anyone from Strategy 11 comment in this forum.

Trace Richardson replied 1 month ago

Thank you, appreciate the response. 🙂

Jane OnoratiJane Onorati answered 1 month ago
I did open a support ticket and was given this response: To clarify, this issue was caused by an update from Cloudflare https://community.cloudflare.com/t/turnstile-ready-firing-twice/690171/16

You can add this code snippet to your site, pending when an official update is released.
	function( $url ) {
		return $url .= '&render=explicit';
Trace Richardson replied 1 month ago

Thank you for the update!

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