I have a star form that works. On that form below the stars I have up and down votes that result in a score above or below zero. I want that dynamic field [9179] to turn a view field on or off. [if 9179 greater_than ="0"]My View [3333][/if 9179] My wild guess is [if [frm-field-value field_id=9179 post_id="[ID]"] greater_than="0"]My View [3333][if/ [frm-field-value field_id=9179 post_id="[ID]"] This isn't working. Any ideas? If you solve this, what is it worth to you?
Well I guess 9179 is not a dynamic score as it just adds the up and down votes together.
It doesn't work that way. It sounds like you might need the more complex frm-condition shortcode.
Thanks Bobby, I will look at that
Merry Christmas
[frm-condition source=frm-field-value field_id=391 entry=[id] greater_than="0"]your content here[/frm-condition]
so would that be it for values greater than zero to dispaly?
and 391 can be from a second form?
In this case, the form from which the field comes form does not matter. If the value of field 391 in whatever form it exists, specific to an entry id (dynamic here as defined by [id], you can define the entry id number) where that value is greater than 0, it will display the information within (here, "your content here").
This displays the value from the other form that I want to use [frm-stats id=9283 type=total 8372="[id]"] So I am guessing [frm-condition source=frm-field_id=9283 entry=[id] greater_than="0"]your content here[/frm-condition] will turn on the field if that value is greater than zero. Is this correctly formatted?
I tried [frm-condition source=frm-field-value field_id=9283 entry=[id] greater_than="0"]your content here[/frm-condition] without result
maybe the type=total should also be used as thats what I want
it is for a nonprofit described here piratedivebar.com/about
[frm-condition source=frm-field_id=9283 entry=[id] type=total greater_than="0"]your content here[/frm-condition]
That does not work either
What happens if you remove entry=[id]?
[frm-condition source=frm-field_id=9283 type=total greater_than="0"]your content here[/frm-condition]
I will check
<p>It is on this page BTW <a href="https://piratedivebar.com/competitors/" rel="nofollow">https://piratedivebar.com/competitors/</a></p>
This is the very last thing I need to figure out before cleaning up my construction debris in the site. It is supposed to help the families of heroes produce youtube videos of their disabled loved ones. We just found a church that will host us.
[frm-condition source=frm-field_id=9283 type=total 8372="[id]" greater_than="0"]your content here[/frm-condition] is was my next guess. NADA again
[frm-condition source=frm-field_id=9283 type=total entry=[id] greater_than="0"]your content here[/frm-condition] also NADA
The link you shared may help. What's the goal exactly? Are you trying to only show entries in the view that have ratings?
[frm-stats id=9283 8372="[id]" type=total greater_than="1"]your content here[/frm-stats] that returned the correct value but the "your content here" did not appear
looks like I got my message windows mixed up
This displays the value from the other form that I want to use [frm-stats id=9283 type=total 8372="[id]"] So I am guessing [frm-condition source=frm-field_id=9283 entry=[id] greater_than="0"]your content here[/frm-condition] will turn on the field if that value is greater than zero. Is this correctly formatted?
My goal is to have features turned on or off by the moderation score.
People vote and features are turned on or off
for individual posts
Can you share some screenshots of the view code setup that displays the data you intend to filter through?
[frm-stats id=9283 8372="[id]" type=total] [greater_than="1"]]your content here[/frm-stats] also produces the moderation score but not the text
You mean of the content window in the view?
Try this: https://postimages.org/
This site keeps crashing when I send
Frm stats isn't a conditional in the way that it will display data wrapped in closing tags like that. You have to use something like:
[frm-condition source=frm-stats id=25 type=count 25="red" less_than=10]content here[/frm-condition]
[frm-condition source=frm-stats id=9283 type=total 8372="[id]" greater_than=1]content here[/frm-condition]
I like that I will try it
hahaha so far so good! I will keep testing
Second test worked too! Very impressive thanks Bobby. I am going to keep testing. That was the last puzzle piece.
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