Email Notification Failures & Form Submission Errors Linked to 'Formidable Abandonment' Plugin

By: kung FuPanda | Asked: 01/27/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsEmail Notification Failures & Form Submission Errors Linked to 'Formidable Abandonment' Plugin
kung FuPanda asked 1 year ago

Hello Formidable Forms Pro Community,

I am reaching out to share an issue we've recently encountered and to provide a heads-up to others who might face a similar situation. Yesterday, we noticed an unexpected halt in the receipt of lead information from our forms.

To investigate this, we conducted tests on a cloned version of our website. We have a setup of 10 forms, each configured to send email notifications upon submission. However, instead of receiving these emails, or customers receiving their confirmation emails, every submission was met with the same message: "Your responses were successfully submitted. Thank you!" This occurred despite multiple attempts to change and re-save the email notification settings.

Further testing from a user's perspective revealed another issue. When attempting to submit forms, users were confronted with an error message stating, "You do not have permission to view this form."

After conducting numerous tests to identify the root of these problems, we discovered that the "Formidable Abandonment" plugin was the culprit. Once we deactivated this plugin, functionality returned to normal.

However, the troubleshooting process required us to pause our Google Ads campaigns, leading to a significant impact on our marketing efforts and financial loss. This experience has been both time-consuming and costly for us. I wanted to share this with the community as a cautionary tale.

It's vital to regularly check your lead generation processes and customer journey to ensure everything is functioning as expected.

Is there an estimated timeline for when the "Formidable Abandonment" plugin issue will be resolved?

2 Answers
Victor Font Staff answered 1 year ago

"Is there an estimated timeline for when the "Formidable Abandonment" plugin issue will be resolved?" You need to open a support ticket with Strategy 11. This is a community volunteer forum. We have no affiliation with Strategy 11 and have no idea about their internal production calendar or even if your problem has been reported to them before. Thanks for the detailed explanation of what you're experiencing, but you really need to direct your question and concerns to the Strategy 11 support team.

Marco Mari answered 1 year ago

Hello, I have the same issue

Victor Font Staff replied 1 year ago

Did you open a support ticket with Strategy 11?

Marco Mari replied 1 year ago

Yes I did, I also gave admin access to the website. I hope they can solve very soon.

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