Embedded forms not showing \'submit\' button following updates

By: Aaron Charlton | Asked: 05/29/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsEmbedded forms not showing \'submit\' button following updates
Aaron Charlton asked 3 months ago
My form within a form was working fine until I updated Formidable Forms. Now the \'submit\' button is not there. When people hit next on the parent form, no data is collected in the embedded form.
1 Answers
Victor Font answered 3 months ago
Troubleshooting a problem like this is impossible without accessing your site. Do you see any errors in the console? Have you cleared all caches? Have you opened a ticket with Formidable support to report the issue? We're volunteers here and unless it's a pervasive error that everyone is experiencing, only the Strategy 11 support team can tell you if this is a reported bug or not. If it's not a reported bug, it may be something unique to your environment.

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