Facebook URL Field show button

By: meaker mashud | Asked: 09/07/2022
ForumsCategory: General questionsFacebook URL Field show button
meaker mashud asked 3 years ago

I setup registration form with some basic fields
One is Facebook URL
When I put facebook url on facebook input field it show
button with some code

2 Answers
Victor Font Staff answered 3 years ago

What type of information are you trying to capture on the information form? And why are you putting scripts into it?

meaker mashud replied 3 years ago

<p>I want to capture facebook profle link using facebook field</p>

meaker mashud replied 3 years ago

I want facebook profile link for user by facebook field but while I put facebook link its show some code on field

meaker mashud replied 3 years ago

<p>Not showing facebook url on user edit page</p>

Victor Font Staff answered 3 years ago

I don't think you should be storing the script code with the Facebook URL in the text field. All you need to store is the text version of the URL without the script tags. Example: "www.facebook.com/groups/formidablemasterminds"

Then you build your script tags dynamically using the field's content.

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