Faceted Search

By: Lukasz Tapis | Asked: 10/27/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsFaceted Search
Lukasz Tapis asked 4 months ago

Can I create Faceted Search in FormidableForums?
Just like this one:

3 Answers
Victor Font Staff answered 4 months ago

What you want requires a custom search form. Yes you can do it.

Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff answered 4 months ago

Adding to Victor's comment, you might choose to integrate Datatables into your solution. Along with its Searchbuilder extension, you can make it happen.

Lukasz Tapis answered 4 months ago

Thanks you for your fast reply.
Can I also search multiple forms using a single custom search forms?

Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff replied 4 months ago

Out of the box with Formidable each view is based on a single form. However, with the use of nested views and developer hooks, you can incorporate information from other forms into your view. As with most things, it depends on what your design and goals are.



Victor Font Staff replied 4 months ago

A search form can be used across multiple forms. You can't do that with Datatables. That tool has it's own search built-in that is form specific.

Using a single search form for multiple forms is not intuitive and definitely requires custom code.

Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff replied 4 months ago

I politely beg to differ. While WP Datatables doesn't have that flexibility, or at least it didn't last time I checked. native Datatables one of the things I like about it is that it doesn't have to care about the source of the data as it can just operate on what is inside the table tags. Once you've created a table with data from all over the place, it's just a "static" table. Either way, it's probably easiest to use the hooks and custom code to create a solution.

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