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this fixed my problem: It looks like at some time in the past, the HTML for your file upload fields was changed, and simply resetting it fixes the issue. If you go to your form settings and click on the "Customize HTML" tab you can scroll through the list of fields. Delete ALL the content in the boxes for the upload fields and save your changes - this will reset it to the default.
Hi Victor.. I tried that first and it did not solve the problem. The problem was solved when I cleared the content in the upload field and then deleted the file upload and re-added it to the form .
I've only recently come across this issue and your fix worked for me. After pulling my hair out double checking my php settings and everything else under the sun clearing the HTML of the file upload field worked. This seemed to have applied a fresh html structure to my file upload fields which fixed things.Thank you frank for posting your fix.
Relevant xkcd comic: https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/979:_Wisdom_of_the_Ancients