Filter forms themselves (NOT views or entries) from WP admin area?

By: Nando D | Asked: 11/08/2023
ForumsCategory: General questionsFilter forms themselves (NOT views or entries) from WP admin area?
Nando D asked 1 year ago

Hello,   Is there a way to limit the forms themselves (not views or entries) that are listed in the admin area?

I know the form permissions has settings for the form entries.. however, really what we want to do is to ONLY show the forms to the user who has created them (or better, who has the same role as another user).
So, the site could have 101 forms but for a user who didn't create any, they'd see 0 forms and have the option to add their own.

Then, after that, they would be able to see the 1 form they created.   Is this doable with some code?
Thanks in advance!!!

Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff replied 1 year ago

I'm going to guess this isn't the answer you're looking for, but personally, I would never let anybody but an administrator into the backend. That being said, what actions do you want to allow the users to perform on the forms? If it's only editing entries, I'll double-down on my initial statement.

Nando D replied 1 year ago

I want to empower multiple people to create their forms and prevent others from stepping on their toes by editing/viewing someone else's form. Very straightforward actually.

Non-admin users can be set up to have very limited access to all backend functions while still having access to FF plugin but I need to further limit what they see in there.

Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff replied 1 year ago

I think you've surpassed by pay grade on this one. Maybe @Victor Font knows a better way. The only solution I can think of is to have a self-made admin portal (fancy word for a page) and the page has a list of form names that the user can edit. The list of forms is based on a return value from a shortcode that figures out which forms the user has access to based on whatever your logic is. The form names would be links that look something like /wp-admin/admin.php?page=formidable&frm_action=edit&id=

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