Form Abandonment

By: Viktor D | Asked: 02/08/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsForm Abandonment
Viktor D asked 1 year ago

My website has a few long forms with save draft enabled (for logged-in users). I also have form abandonment turned on. When a user starts filling out the form, all of the entries are automatically saved because of the form abandonment function. Once the user clicks on the save draft for the first time, form abandonment becomes disabled and does not auto-save from that point. Is there a way (maybe a code snippet) that would allow form abandonment to continue saving entries until the form is submitted?

1 Answers
Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff answered 1 year ago

I tried this myself and formidable sets the is_draft column in frm_items to 2 if it's "in progress", i.e., in "abandonment mode". If you save as draft, the value is set to 1 and abandonment is no longer a thing (for the entry, not for the form). So, you can use one of the entry saving/updating hooks to reset that value back to 2.

Viktor D replied 1 year ago

Thanks, Rob, for your response. Would you mind sharing how you used the entry saving/updating hook to reset that value back to 2.

Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff replied 1 year ago

I didn't try either, I was just surmising that it might work to try:

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