Form ID re-numbered from site to site shortcode best practice

By: Jay Mac | Asked: 02/19/2023
ForumsCategory: General questionsForm ID re-numbered from site to site shortcode best practice
Jay Mac asked 2 years ago

Hi - The Form ID like the Field Id can be renumbered when moving from development to staging to production   We can code for that by hard coding in the form key in php code snippets and then getting the corresponding form id.   What is the best practice for including formidable forms into our pages? The short codes use form ids which will change.   Thanks,   J

Jay Mac replied 2 years ago

Well silly me - ID in the shortcode on the page can be either the form id or the form key

1 Answers
Best Answer
Jay Mac answered 2 years ago
Well silly me - ID in the shortcode on the page can be either the form id or the form key

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