Form stats not working. Returns "0"

By: Tommy Hanky | Asked: 05/26/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsForm stats not working. Returns "0"
Tommy Hanky asked 3 months ago
Hi All, I trust all is well.  I am having an issue where the form stats shortcode returns "0".   I am using the shortcode below with the form ID replacing x.   [frm-stats id=x type=count]   any idea what may be wrong? Thank you for your help.
1 Answers
Rob LeVineRob LeVine answered 3 months ago
Per the documentation, "Replace X with the ID or key of the field".
Tommy Hanky replied 3 months ago

Hi Rob, I tried both the form ID and the form key before posting in the forum and still returns "0". I not sure why it's not working.

Rob LeVineRob LeVine replied 3 months ago

At least for me, it'll be difficult to analyze without seeing it firsthand. You can keep chipping away at it, file a support request, or enlist the help of a developer

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