Form submissions not always replying to FROM field set

By: Mark Reed | Asked: 05/15/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsForm submissions not always replying to FROM field set
Mark ReedMark Reed asked 10 months ago

I have a client that is FURIOUS that when they click reply to form submissions in their email, sometimes it does not go to the person filling out the form. It goes to a default address such as wordpress@.... I saw the support docs that mention this. But this client is angry. I have the FROM set to be the email entered in the form. How can we get the form to ALWAYS use the email address set in the form as the one that gets replied to? This client is saying they will cancel on us and go somewhere else if we cannot get this fixed. They want to be able to hit reply to the form email submission and have it always go to the email address the person lists in the form. Help - I don't know what to do at this point. I have tried setting the FROM to be the email in the form, I tried setting a noreply@.... and set the reply to as the email in form - nothing seems to get it working all the time.

2 Answers
Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff answered 10 months ago

The email stuff can be frustrating at times. I think there are two issues here: FROM and REPLY-TO. You can set the reply-to field in the form action and that should be respected. The From is tougher. I've tried so many things over the year and it seems to be a moving target. First question is whether your host is GoDaddy. The second question is whether you've tried the WP filters wp_mail_from and wp_mail_from_name, though those might have no effect, depending how your email is sent.

Michael ClarkMichael Clark answered 10 months ago

Years of dealing with fundamental inconsistencies in mail (and other things). I totally get you.Here's the most consistent and reliable setup I have found (forgive me if you have a similar configuration):

  • 1. Transactional email service like Sendgrid or Mandrill
  • 2. Plugin replacing wpmail, like WP Mail SMTP, make sure it's not set to override your form action's settings
  • 3. In the Formidable email form action, use the Reply to setting, configured to use the email field in your form.

Optionally, if the mail plugin has the ability to do conditional routing, you can configure additional rules for your specific workflow. WP Mail SMTP has this in it's "Smart Routing" feature. Hope this helps.

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