is it possible to use FF as a database....
Form 1 = Database just storing Data into it
Form 2 = User input from FrontEnd tp fill submitted Data into the Database Form
Form 3 = get Data from Database Form and allow users to change there own entry
great but i can`t understand how can i do that... i`ve found this video tutorial but there i can`t see how to insert data into the databse form
<p>the question is how i can connect the input Fields from the FrontEnd Form with the Database Form to insert data</p>
When you create a form, it's already connected to the database. The steps are:
1. create a form
2. add the form to a page or post
3. Have a user enter data. When the submit button is clicked, the data is written to the database.
This is where you can start: https://formidableforms.com/knowledgebase/create-a-form/
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