I just added another checkbox field to an existing form, but this time when I view online and check that box, a form field mysteriously appears. Where did that come from? How do I get rid of it? Is this a bug?
See attached image.
When I submit the form with that box checked and type something in the form field, only the form field contents get delivered. Not the checkbox value.
This sucks. I need to fix it! Please help. Thanks.
I navigated to the URL in the image and didn't see the issue. Do you have a page where it currently happens?
You have to click on the first item: "Free Cell Phone or Tablet Swiper" for the effect to be realized. This is the checkbox I added that is doing this text field business when checked.
You already visited the correct URL: https://www.payprotechnologies.com/free-cell-phone-or-tablet-swiper/
Notice that when you click on any of the other checkboxes, no form field appears.
Yes, I clicked the first item and no text box appeared. I suggest clearing any cache you can find and trying again.
Rob - damn, that did the trick. I cleared the cache. Thanks!
Yeah, what was happening "felt" like a jQuery thing and jQuery code can get cached in the browser, so it made sense, though still frustrating.
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