formidable forms: how can i make it possible in the form to choose from 2 different option and

By: Peter Polz | Asked: 10/26/2022
ForumsCategory: General questionsformidable forms: how can i make it possible in the form to choose from 2 different option and
Peter Polz asked 2 years ago
Hi!   how can i make it possible in the form to choose from 2 different options and if i have choose one it opens 4 different options not showing it before sample New color: old color and if i choose i get more options New color:
green   old color
yellow   thx Peter
4 Answers
Rob LeVineRob LeVine answered 2 years ago
Peter Polz answered 2 years ago
Hi, thank you very much!   so i would have one more question   if would have to choose   city 1 city 2 city 3   with checkboxes, and if i choose  city 1 i would please have modul 1 modul 2 modul 3   city 2 test 1 text 2   what function i this? thx Peter
Peter Polz answered 2 years ago
so if i choose the City 1 the moduls should appear
Rob LeVineRob LeVine replied 2 years ago

Honestly, I'm not clear what you're asking. The conditional logic should handle which selection list will show, however, if you are saying that each successive select list needs to show a different subset of items depending on what was chosen in the previous list, then maybe you can do something like this -

Peter Polz answered 2 years ago
ok so is it possible that the conditional logic can choose different radio boxes ?   City 1: x Modul 1 x Modul 2 x Modul 3 x Modul 4   is this possible and when how   it is not a subset of a list it should be a subset for different radio boxes!   thx
Rob LeVineRob LeVine replied 2 years ago

I'm not sure I'm ever going to be clear on the question, without a screenshot of mockup, however, if you want a different subset of radio boxes to show up, depending on what's selected in another field, then create all the different radio boxes and make each one of the conditional shown based on the value in the other field.

e.g., Field 1 is City 1, 2 & 3. Field 2a is Modul 1, 2 & 3, Field 2b is Modul 1x, 2x, 3x. If you want Field 2b to display when City 2 is selected, use Field 2b's conditional logic to "Show when Field 1 equals City 2"

Peter Polz replied 2 years ago

thank you, i will try

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