Formidable You must include a valid field id or key in your stats shortcode. seems to break tab functionality in Avada

By: Christopher Scherer | Asked: 06/06/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsFormidable [frm-stats] seems to break tab functionality in Avada
Christopher Scherer asked 9 months ago

I use Formidable Forms with Avada builder. I'm trying to use [frm-stats id=x type=count] in Avada's dynamic tab title to display an entry count for a Formidable form as follows:
Shortcode: [frm-stats id=41 type=count]
Before: Clients (
After: )

It displays Clients (##) perfectly in Avada's Live Builder, but on the front end, it breaks the tab functionality and only shows default tab labels.
It works fine when I add [frm-stats] to Toggle Accordion headings though.
Trying to figure out if this is a Formidable issue, or not.

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