Global Settings Gone Kaput

By: Dan Zahlis | Asked: 07/27/2022
ForumsCategory: General questionsGlobal Settings Gone Kaput
Dan ZahlisDan Zahlis asked 2 years ago
We just updated to the Business plan and our Global Settings appear to be frozen. We can see the content and make updates on the first tab (Global Settings) but we cannot navigate to the remaining tabs: Message Defaults; Permissions; reCAPTCHA; White Labeling; Inbox; Export Views and Miscellaneous. Also of note - we just installed the "Datepicker options" and "Export View to CSV" Add-ons. I suspect the glitch has to do with the CSV Add-on and the corresponding "Export Views" tab. Has anyone encountered this before? Any ideas on how to get the Global Settings working again?
1 Answers
Bobby Clapp answered 2 years ago
First ensure that the sites are licensed with Pro. I would deactivate pro on the sites and/or deauthorize them and then start fresh (don't delete anything). Possibly even re-installing the plugin files.
Dan ZahlisDan Zahlis replied 2 years ago

Thanks, Bobby. I confirmed that both sites were licensed with Pro and Business. I deactivated all FF plugins and reactivated them one by one, starting with FF and FF Pro. I checked the Global Setting after each reactivation. The settings were fine until I reactivated "Export View to CSV". Reactivating "Export View to CSV" resulted in the Global Settings problem. I uninstalled and then reinstalled "Export View to CSV" and the problem persisted.

The interesting thing is the Add-on doesn't create the same problem on the other server. The problem server is a GoDaddy server. The successful server is not.

Victor Font replied 2 years ago

PHP Version?

Dan ZahlisDan Zahlis replied 2 years ago

5.6.40 on (GoDaddy)

7.4.30 on (Not GoDaddy)

Victor Font replied 2 years ago

That could be the problem. The first thing I would try is upgrading PHP on GoDaddy to version 7.4 or higher. Support for PHP 5.6 ended on December 31st, 2018. Only 7.4 and higher are the currently supported versions.

Dan ZahlisDan Zahlis replied 2 years ago

That occurred to me as I read your question. Thanks, Victor.

Dan ZahlisDan Zahlis replied 2 years ago

That did it. I updated PHP on GoDaddy to 7.4 and the Global Settings are back! Thanks again.

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