I am wanting to have a graph display within a view. My view is filtered to display data only from the form that has just been submitted. I want my graph to display the results for only that submission across 10 different fields. However, my graph is currently only displaying the submission totals for each field for the form in general, rather than the scores generate for the single form entry under consideration. My shortcode is [frm-graph fields="134,76,82,94,88,100,106,112,118,124" width="100%" title="Levels by dimension"]. Have attached a screenshot of the output as it stands (there have been a total of 4 entries on this form, hence the graph display!). Thanks so much to anyone who can help, ~ Dave
You need to include the entry ID in the graph filter. See this: https://formidableforms.com/knowledgebase/graphs/
Missed that somehow! Thanks Victor.
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