Guys I need help with conditional radio button!

By: Wassime Fourkaoui | Asked: 10/31/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsGuys I need help with conditional radio button!
Wassime Fourkaoui asked 4 months ago

Hi everyone,
I'm looking to recreate a radio button logic similar to what we have on our old website (in the "Optionen" section):
Could anyone assist me with setting this up? Support mentioned I would need custom code and suggested reaching out to the community. They've provided an XML file that's almost there, but I could use some guidance to finalize it.
I would be truly grateful for any help. Thank you so much! 

PS: under my new website is the most solution I got to till now,
Best regards,

1 Answers
Bobby Clapp Staff answered 4 months ago

Nested radios aren't a function of FF, which you've found out. We can't do the work for you here but you'll need to use some jquery and code some custom radio iniputs. You'll have to go into the "customize HTML" side of the view and then play around with inputs and the hide/show function of jquery:

Radio input reference;

Your code would end up looking something like this in the customize html for the representative field:

You'll have to wrap the custom radio input around the appropriate "[opt=1] [opt=2]" and then maybe "[opt=3] [opt=4]".

Something like:

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