Has Anyone Incorporated a Social Comment Login, and Custom FP Comment Form?

By: Mark Hansen | Asked: 03/17/2023
ForumsCategory: General questionsHas Anyone Incorporated a Social Comment Login, and Custom FP Comment Form?
Mark HansenMark Hansen asked 2 years ago

Hi All - Thanks again for this great resource and any guidance you might have for me. 
I'm working on a new project and have the need to use a custom FP form for commenting, in order to incorporate the data with a few advanced custom fields we've built into the site.
Another key feature however, is using a social login comment system to make it super-easy for users to login and comment with their existing Google, Facebook, Twitter, accounts etc. 
Has anyone used both a custom FP comment form (I have, this is not the issue) in conjunction with a social comment login system? If so, could you share the social login plugin or system you used? (Before I just go buy several to test)
Thanks in advance,

1 Answers
Bobby Clapp Staff answered 2 years ago
Mark HansenMark Hansen replied 2 years ago

This sounds like something I could try and make work, Bobby. Thanks.

I guess my biggest thing to figure out, is if it will work with the FP comment form (hidden unless logged in), versus only working with a native comment form. I'll give it a shot and see!


Bobby Clapp Staff replied 2 years ago

I presume this is essentially a form, so set the form to be required to login and show this shortcode for the login form in place of the default login message @ https://formidableforms.com/knowledgebase/global-settings-overview/#kb-message-defaults

Mark HansenMark Hansen replied 2 years ago

I think you just saved me hours of searching for a simple solution! Thanks again, very much appreciated!


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