Hiding fields for Users But Visible for Admin

By: Erik Meeder | Asked: 11/20/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsHiding fields for Users But Visible for Admin
Erik Meeder asked 3 months ago

I have a form that i hide fields using Conditional Logic: Hide if UserID does not equal 'administrator'.
This works well on the front end. But the intention is that when i see the same entry in the front end logged in as 'administrator'. I am wanting all those hidden fields to be visible for 'administrator'. Right now when i go to 'EDIT' the user generated form, i see only the fields that the user sees, none of the admin fields. I assume it is because the UserID of that entry is not the administrator. 
I don't see in Conditional Logic how i can set Administrator to always see all fields. 
if [logged in user] was an option in Conditional Logic then it would probably help.
I'm pretty new to Formidable Forms, is there a way that I'm not aware of that will do what i am wanting?

Erik Meeder replied 3 months ago

Nevermind this question. I see there is a much simpler way to do exactly what i wanted. The Visibility setting in Advanced Menu. I didn't realize that was there.

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